Effective 2025,  The Triopay Unit Trust has been renamed the Mirador Income and Stability Fund.  This name more accurately conveys the fund’s true objective, purpose and benefits. Likewise, any referral to a Triopay process, system, or program etc. refers to the Mirador Income and Stability process, system, or program etc..

Portfolio Update Report

Mirador Corporation Q4 Report 2024

January 25th, 2025

Dear Friends and Clients,

All told, 2024 was a good year for the clients of Mirador.  For the basic results numbers of the Canadian unit trust see the January 6th blog post on the Mirador website by holding control and clicking here: Your Future Funded – The Mirador Income and Stability Fund.  What’s most important is that after paying a bonus distribution in December, your total 2024 distribution yield was 9%, the total 2024 return was over 16%, and for 2025 we have once again set the distribution level at 7.5%.  This is a 6.78% increase in the dollar value distribution over the 2024 distribution, not including the bonus distribution.

The end of 2024 was very challenging for investing in Canada.  We did our best to hold on to the wonderful results produced between November of 2023 and November of 2024.  But in December, Canada finally came to face the economic and business challenges created by the government which has not been business friendly for quite some time.  And then the Trump win compounded the damaged created by our own government. 

Frankly, I am reluctant to say much about expectations for 2025.  It is not at all predicable.  By saying much, I risk leading people astray and making an idiot out of myself.  Just yesterday I was reviewing the headlines from five different sources.  Each reported opposing news / reports / opinions.  And even within each of the five publications the headlines and reports changed considerably from day to day.  So putting out some sort of predictions is futile. 

It is a good time to remember the great economist John Maynard Keynes and his beauty contest analogy.  It is not whom I think should win the contest that matters, but the votes of the contest judges are what matters.  In our situation as the portfolio manager for you, the judges are the large institutional investors.  They will vote with their buy and sells using their massive capital base and the imbalance of buying and selling is what will move the prices and determine the winners and losers.  Mirador must be extra vigilant at this time to monitor these price changes and market moves continuously and then ensure the Mirador Income and Stability programs are positioned appropriately for the price action.

Trump is unpredictable.  Canada has no government or leadership.  What else can we do?  Nothing.  Just watch and observe and actively optimize the holding for what is happening to ensure our high income and comfortable stability.

Despite my above expression of futility for predicting, the prices seeming to be showing two things currently.  Firstly, strong U.S. stock prices tell us that U.S. businesses will do well the next while.  When U.S. businesses do well, Canada often gets taken along for a good ride.  But in today’s situation, maybe Trump will do some things that keep the success in the U.S.  Therefore, I recently made a major move to increase our U.S. market exposure.   One main challenge in doing this is to keep our income levels high because U.S. dividend yields are much lower than Canadian.  To help keep our income up, I focussed on ETFs based on U.S. stocks that do covered call writing to enhance the income.  A second challenge is currency.  The Canadian dollar has already corrected significantly due to our own political issues.  But Trump may or may not make this worse.  If the Canadian dollar recovers, it could reduce or eliminate the profitability of our U.S. equity exposure.  For this reason, I selected currency hedged ETFs.  Secondly, gold and precious metals have been strong and our current allocation to this sector is the most it has ever been.  

Here is the current allocation for the Mirador Income and Stability programs:

The main changes since the last report have been:

  • Increase Fixed Income Preferreds
  • Increased call writing to reflect the mildly bullish market stance
  • Increased call writing in the form of ETFs to increase U.S. allocation
  • Reduced Canadian Equity Income


In the client services department, we did replace our digital marketing consultant with a Calgary company Called Barking Spider.  So the blog posts have started again and there will be a considerable number of posts over the next few months.  Its super important for Mirador that you visit the website and blog posts as often as possible.  This will help greatly with the success of our digital marketing efforts.  We are now also on Facebook and LinkedIn but that is just starting so there is not much there yet.  Barking Spider created some incredible testimonial videos, and they are shown on the website home page.  A tremendous thanks to the two clients that volunteered for these – I cry each time I watch them.  Also, as part of our new marketing endeavors, we have changed the name of our process / approach and the Canadian unit trust to the Mirador Income and Stability Fund.  Although we like the name Triopay, it has developed into well more than a trio of things, and the new name more clearly represents what it is, which is particularly important for us to attract new investors.  Just remember, all that has changed is the name.  All of the great investment practises and processes are still the same.  Soon the website will be upgraded to a new program that will enhance its value even more.

That’s it for Q4 2024.  As always, phone or reply to this email to just say howdy, or if you have any questions comments or ideas.  Please watch for our email newsletter that announces new blog updates.  Going forward, the website and blog will be our main source of communication to you rather than the old school email, notes and letters.   Please visit the website to read these (control and mouse click); Mirador Corporation


Stan 403-608-4664

Joyce 403-978-6798