Effective 2025,  The Triopay Unit Trust has been renamed the Mirador Income and Stability Fund.  This name more accurately conveys the fund’s true objective, purpose and benefits. Likewise, any referral to a Triopay process, system, or program etc. refers to the Mirador Income and Stability process, system, or program etc..

Mirador Real Advice Blog

The Long View

By Stan Clarke, February 2025

There are age old statements that often create considerable debate that generally go like this…

“Its not about the Money”

“There is more to it than Money”

Well, on one hand, without money there is not much you can do.  On the other hand, there are people out there with plenty of money and without many ideas of  what to do with it to create joy in their lives!

At Mirador, we respect everyone’s view on the discussion, and we strive to provide information, ideas, and advice that covers the full gamut.  Mirador is here to safely make you the most money, and to help you make the most of that money.  

Ideas of what to do with it, how to stay healthy to get the most of your money and time, and of course, the odd pieces of wisdom about wealth planning and portfolio management.  To help with this we are pleased to introduce our new eMagazine – The Long View.  We hope you enjoy it and please forward it to any friends or family that might find it interesting and helpful.

Stan and Joyce